Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tobit a High Official of King Hoshea of Israel


Damien F. Mackey

King Hoshea of Israel was politically active during the reign of king Shalmaneser [V] of Assyria, whose kingdom the latter eventually destroyed. It would be fitting, then, that Tobit, the father of Tobias (= Job), who was taken into captivity by this same Shalmaneser, and who was from the northern kingdom of Israel (tribe of Naphtali), would once have served as a high official also for Hoshea.


Because Tobit himself tells us that he had been given a ‘roving commission’ by king “Shalmaneser” of Assyria, who “gave him leave to go whithersoever he would, with liberty to do whatever he had in mind” (Tobit 1:14, Douay version). In other words, Tobit was a great man of that time.

Now, given my argument that the name ‘Tobit’ is just a variant of the name, ‘Obadiah,

see post for Nov 2, 2009 at:

then Tobit becomes the standout candidate, I think, for the official of king Hoshea, ‘Abdi, who owned the king’s seal (see BAR 21:06, Nov/Dec 1995):

“The minister’s name inscribed on the seal is Abdi (‘BDY), or, to use his full name in English, Obadiah (again, the name of a prophet, but a different person)”.

See also post for May 1, 2012, at:

The name, ‘Obadiah, is the same as the name of Mohammed’s father, ‘Abdullah. For, according to wikipedia (article “Obadiah”) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obadiah

Obadiah is a Biblical theophorical name, meaning "servant of Yahweh" or "worshipper of Yahweh."[1] It is cognate to the Arabic name ‘Abdullah. The form of his name used in the Septuagint is Obdios; in Latin it is Abdias.

What adds further intrigue to all this is that Mohammed’s mother was Amina, whilst Tobit’s wife was Anna. So the parents of young Tobias were ‘Obadiah (= ‘Abdullah) and Anna, whilst those of Mohammed were ‘Abdullah and Amina.

Tobit is the standout for ‘Abdi, the high minister of king Hoshea of Israel.

Historical Evidence for King Hoshea of Israel

BAR 21:06, Nov/Dec 1995

Royal Signature: Name of Israel’s Last King Surfaces in a Private Collection

By André Lemaire

The name of the northern kingdom of Israel’s last king has turned up on a beautiful seal from the eighth century B.C.E.! Although the seal did not belong to the king himself, it was the property of one of his high-ranking ministers.

The king is Hoshea (HWSû‘ in Hebrew; the same name as that of the prophet Hosea, but referring to a different person).a Hoshea ruled Israel from 732 or 731 B.C.E. to 722 B.C.E., just before it was destroyed by Assyrian conquest. The minister’s name inscribed on the seal is Abdi (‘BDY), or, to use his full name in English, Obadiah (again, the name of a prophet, but a different person).


Taken from:
